mike levine mike levine

From Buenos Aires to Santiago

To get to and from Patagonia I decided to fly into Buenos Aires, Argentina to start my trip, and finish up my trip in Santiago, Chile. I did very little research about either of these cities before arriving, and spent most of my time just wandering around looking for food and taking pictures. Each of these cities has a vibe of its own, and I figured I’d share some of my photos and give a little overview of my experience in both Buenos Aires and Santiago.

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mike levine mike levine

Torres del Paine

On my recent trip to Patagonia I spent a week hiking the O-Trek in Torres del Paine National Park. This is probably the most famous and popular place in Patagonia so there is plenty of info online already, but I just thought I’d share the seemingly unique itinerary I took, and why I really liked it, and fill in some other information gaps that I had wish I had known while planning my trip.

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